Refer a GP for Priority Access to Their Cases

Referring a GP to Help Link provides mutual benefits for you and the GP:

  • You will see new cases before anyone else in the network, ensuring your existing referral stream is maintained
  • You will have access to a larger share of the GP's total referrals, including those they may not have previously considered you for
  • You will have more control over the clients you see, reducing referrals that are out of your areas of practice and increasing your capacity to take on clients who are a good fit
  • If you can't take on a case due to limited availability or poor fit, your referral source won't be compromised. Cases will be shared within the network allowing other psychologists to take them on

How it Works

When you invite a GP to Help Link you will be the first to see every case they post, so you can express interest in those that are a good fit when you have space

Invite a GP

Send the GP an invite link which will set you as the referrer when they sign up

Priority Case Access

You'll be the first to see every case your referred GP posts

Released to Network

After 12 hours, the case will be released to the broader Help Link network.

How To Contact Your Referrers

If you already have a way of contacting a GP, you can use this method of contact. If you don't have the GPs direct contact details, sending an email to their practice with your name and contact should mean the message will be passed onto the GP via a digital inbox.

Below is a sample email including your unique invite url that you can use to contact them.

Dear Dr. [GP Name],

Thank you for your referrals to date.

I am writing to let you know that I have recently joined Help Link, a new online platform that connects psychologists with GPs and patients. I've found it simplifies the referral process and means that I am only referred patients within my area of practice and when I have space.

As the GP, you post de-identified case information that will be forwarded to me and the broader network, or you can search for and group practitioners to share directly with your patient.

It reduces the likelihood of the patient returning to you for more recomendations, increases the patient's control over who they see, and expands the pool of potential psychologists meaning there is more likely to be a good match.

[Inset Unique Invite Link Here]

I look forward to working with you in the future.

Kind regards,

[Your Name]


Refer a GP now

Copy and then send an invite link

You can create a personalised link to send to the GP by clicking below. Once they sign up you will be set as the referrer.